Colegion San Agustin El Marques (CESA)

Location: Caracas-Venezuela

Website: colegiosanagustinelmarques.com

Colegio San Agustín El Marqués is a recognized secundary school at the east of Caracas.
I first signed up for this school in 1996 to take up 2nd year of secondary school and then continued my studies until I got graduated in 2K.
This School is a Chistian dogma secundary school, run by an Augutinian priest group since 1963.
Colegio San Agustín El Marqués is well recognized for its highly demanding programs in Biology, Maths and Literature.

Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)

Location: Caracas-Venezuela

Website: www.usb.ve

After I finished highschool, I enrolled myself in the Unversity in September 2K.The Universidad Simón Bolívar was my first option as I demostrared interest in the School of Mechanical Engineering.
Mechanical Engineers graduated from Universidad Simón Bolívar are recognized with a professional profile to successfully develop and design different sorts of systems such as mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic systems. In addition, they are prepared to undertake projects related to power generation, manufacturing processes, HVAC and any other regarding mechanics within the industrial sector.
I graduated from the School of Mechanical Engineering in 2006 after meeting all the academic requirements, including a 6 month internship, which took place in Minera Loma de Níquel, within the Mechanical Maintenance department.

Enjoy this nice video that will take you around USB's facilities!

Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET)

Location: Caracas-Venezuela

Website: www.unimet.edu.ve

In 2008, a new opportunity showed up. I made the decision to boost up my professional career in Toyota by taking up a Master degree in Management Engineering, which perfectly matched my needs within the organization.
The Universidad Metropolitana is a well known College in Caracas with strong pensums in management programs.
The Master in Management Engineering offered by the Universidad Metropolitana is addressed to professionals from different engineering branches. Students are deeply introduced into the modern management style by going through concepts such as finance, human resources, strategic management, international business and economic engineering.
This postgraduate study aims at turning these professionals into modern-minded managers in order to effectively control production, operations, projects, logistics, and other areas within different sorts of business.

Enjoy this nice video that will take you around UNIMET's facilities!

Limerick College of Further Education (LCFE)

Location: Limerick-Ireland

Website: www.lcfe.ie

As computer programming became a very important matter for me and caught a lot of my attention (it stopped from being just a hobby, but became a new passion instead), the necesity of getting involved into formal education was undeniable.
Therefore, I must find a course which would be able to fulfill my interests and expectations within a reasonable timeframe.
The computer programming for beginers course offered by LCFE is considered as an introduction to structured programming by learning Java programming language and the use of Eclipse IDE.

Institute of Technology Sligo (ITSligo)

Location: Sligo-Ireland

Website: www.itsligo.ie

Motivated by my interest in computer programming and the ilusion of becoming a genuine, real world programmer; I started to do some research regarding third level education programmes in Computing. After some google search and a lucky strike, I found a new program that had been offered by IT Sligo since 2014, which met the flexibility and the pensum I had been looking for. This academic program is part of the Springboard+ initiative (run by the Higher Education Authority) which is aimed at offering courses, degrees and masters in areas with job opportunities within the Irish economy. In this particular case, a conversion program is offered to include professionals from other areas into the Information and Communication Technology sector. Software and web development, database management, server set up and maintenance, computer architecture and secure converged networking are some of the modules this Level 8 degree is made up of. I finished this higher diploma in 2016 with outstanding results achieving a first class honours award, and even better, obtaining a qualification that has led me to a computing related job with Optel Group.

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