Coding and PC Programming

Computer programming is one of my greatest passions in life. I have found not only a really interesting hobby, but also a motivation towards finding a software development job after formally studying a 3rd level education degree in Computer Science.

I initially started studying structured programming by using Pascal programming language and FreePascal IDE. Then, I moved to modular programming paradigm and used Modula2 as programming language to undestand the first steps of the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) approach. Later, by studying Java and C# programming languages I was deeply introduced to the OOP paragidgm, its applications and advantages.

In order to continue expanding my coding skills I have taken up a self-paced online course for Android Development, which has led me to build my own phone apps, which can be checked below and the source code can be found on my git repositories.

Unit Converter App

The Gise's Cooking unit converter app is my first attempt to build a full Android app. It's an app targeted to address a specific need of my wife, who loves cooking and is always needing to transform cooking measure units between different systems of measurements. This app offers the option to transfom mass, volume an temperature units from the SI (Metric) system to the Imperial system and vice versa.

ToDo List App

The MyToDoList app is the second Android app in my portfolio. Another app inspired by my wife needs, which, in this case took me to design a personalized to do list, where tasks can be added, removed, marked as done or even archived. New task lists can be added and the existing ones can be removed.

This application was an excellent exercise to deepen my undestanding of different Android classes such as the NavigationView, DrawerLayout, RecyclerView, different data adapters, as well as the use and storage of app preferences, changing app themes and management of SQLite3 databases.

Mis Lugares App

Mis Lugares app is the exercise designed by Profesor Jesús Tomás, from Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, to deliver the free online course: Android, Introduction to programming; where major notion about Android developtment is discussed. The app allows to store a list of favorite places, store their geographic location, category, address, picture, website, rating and locate places by using a fragment to display the saved places on Google Maps. It's an interesting exerciseto be devoloped along the different course modules.

If you would like to try some of this apps and other Desktop applications developed by me, please clik here to Dowload!

Online Learning

Since I decided to start studying PC programming and coding, I have found and used several useful websites that have help me improve and strengthen my proramming skills. The following sites are some of the best ones I have come accross and made the most of them:


In addition to compurer science, stuying and learning; sports and training have always been something big to me. I've always been into exercises in which you have to lift your own weight such as dips, pull ups, push ups and similar. Most recently, I've started running and tried to increase my running stamina and running distance. The following sites are some of the ones I used more often for searching tips and articles, or even apps to record my progress:


Here, some of the sport teams I follow and proudly support:


For realxing, I really enjoy hiking and exploring new places with my wife. I've been using recently the Find Penguins app where you can easily track your own trips and hikes. In addition, I like reading about Linux distributions while working and customizing my on PC that runs Linux.

On top of all that, I must admit I'm a big fan of technology in general, 4 wheel drive cars and SUVs, Star Wars, astronomy and time travel.


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